Since 1930 Cub Scouts has provided children with an opportunity to try new things and face new challenges. Right now, Verona Cub Scout Pack 549 faces the challenge of adapting programming and activities to this “New Normal.” The biggest part of this challenge is in our yearly fundraising campaign.
In past years Cub Scouts would have sold Popcorn door to door or in store fronts to cover the costs of our yearly programming. In order to ensure the safety of our community and ourselves, we’ve made necessary modifications to move to contactless fundraising.
We have established a webpage to allow for online popcorn sales that ships directly to you.
We understand that this may not be the most convenient way to support our local pack
so we have also established a GoFundMe Page to allow you to make direct donations
to our pack.
If you are interested in learning more about Scouts or joining in on the fun visit with us for the Drive thru Scout Sign-up on Thursday September 24th 6 – 7:30 pm in the parking lot of Salem United Church of Christ (502 Mark Dr; Verona, WI).
With the COVID-19 pandemic impacting everyday life, we thank you for your continued
support and wish you and your family health and peace.
Jeff Schwartz
Pack 549 Cub Master