Friday, October 24, 2014

October Pack 549 Meeting

Date:  Thursday, Oct 23, 2014

Place:  Glacier Edge Elementary School
Time:  6:30pm
Theme:  Carnival Games
Popcorn Sales Ends, Wednesday OCT 22, 2014

BRING YOUR EMPTY BOXES.   The products need to be returned in the original boxes or else the Pack is charged.
1.  Bring completed order form sheets (KEEP COPIES) clearly marked if orders have been filled or not and money has been collected.
2.  Bring all money in envelopes with Name and Den number (including money for items for orders to be filled).  If possible, convert the cash to a check payable to Pack 549.  We have lots of money to count.
4. Complete inventory popcorn sheets (see email sent with information).
5.  Bring all unsold popcorn.
6.  Orders will be filled with left over popcorn from the popcorn brought to the meeting.
7.  After the meeting, check to see if your order has been filled.  If your order was not filled, we will order the items from Council.
8.  Back ordered Popcorn will arrive around  Nov 15 -16.
9.  Arrange a time with your den leader your den leader to arrange a time to turn in all the items listed above by Oct 23.

NOTE:  All unsold popcorn must be returned by Thursday, Oct 23.  Otherwise, the Scout will be responsible for it. 

Thanks for the great effort selling this year!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

November Pack 549 Meeting

Date:  Thursday,  November 20, 2014
Time:  6:30pm - 7:30-7:45pm
Place:  Glacier Edge Elementary School
Theme: Citizenship (Core Monthly Value)

Build a Turkey... out of your Leader!  Each den will be given a bag of supplies and we will see who can make the best looking turkey out of their leaders.

Please bring Health Forms to have on file.  Thanks.   Click the "Form" tab for instructions and forms or read post below.
Presentation of Bobcat Awards and Summer Camp patches.
Announcement of Popcorn incentive awards.  (Prizes to be delivered at December meeting.)
Announcements of upcoming Council events. 

Derby cars will be passed out for Pinewood Derby to be held in January.

Bring a unwrapped toy for TOYS FOR TOTS.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Den Leaders

2014-2015 School Year

TIGER DEN (1st Grade)
(Dens to be formed in Sept)

WOLF DEN (2nd Grade)
Den 9
Jeff Cybela    608-852-6361
Don Larson  608-497-1641

BEAR DENS (3nd Grade)
Den 4
Al Jurgensen 845-9318
Frank Westphal  608-270-1683

WEBELOS I DENS (4th Grade)
Den 2
Antanice Peer  608-628-7736
Matt Prest 608-358-3823

Den 12
Robert Deyes  608-848-3760

Den 1
Jeff Jaschinski 608-444-0438
Shannon Churchill   608-445-0134

Den 8
Darrin Dahl  608-848-7512

List of calendar events and meetings are found in the calendar section of