Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kohler Castle

Saturday & Sunday, May 16-17 Overnight Trip to the legendary Kohler Castle. Signup soon for this exciting overnight trip to stay at the large castle building at Cubscout World. Space is still available, sign up by May first! The cost is $30 per person to register, but if you attend the event the pack will reimburse $15 per scout back.
The attached packet has the required forms and detailed information regarding the cost, equipment, schedule, etc. Please have the completed forms and payment returned to Chris Ehlke by Friday May 1st at the latest. There are a few spots left, so if you know of any other Cub Scouts in our Pack that are interested in coming, please have them talk to Chris. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Chris at 608-669-5908.
Pack Castle Campout info doc.doc