Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Pinewood Derby 2010 Rules

2010 Pinewood Derby Rules.pdf

Our annual Pinewood Derby is coming up Saturday, January 23 2010, at Glaciers Edge Elementary School in Verona! Car weigh-in and impounding on Thursday, January 21 at the pack meeting at Glaciers Edge School; ALL cars racing on Saturday MUST be brought to, and impounded at the Thursday pack meeting. Set up and equipment testing will be on Friday January 22. If you did not pickup a car at the December pack meeting, pick one up from your Den Leader. We will be very strict about the rules, so please read them carefuly, and if you have questions, please feel free to ask your leader or a den leader from a older den.

One of the pack's digital scales will be available at the Verona Public Libary for about a week leading up to the weigh-in. Please try to weigh your car and get it set right before the Pack Meeting to ensure things go smoothly.

There are 100s of car building tips, decals, and extras out there. Search the internet for pinewood derby and you will be overwhelmed. HOWEVER, We want to keep it simple, keep the kids involved, and keep it fair. Please follow the rules above and ensure everyone has fun.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Great All-In-One Resource Site

The Cub Scout Leader Portal at the Merit Badge.org Wiki site has a wealth of information spanning all aspects of cubscouting. Great for parents too. Provides summary of each rank's requirements, belt loops, ideas for meetings. Work sheets and things for the scouts are also covered. http://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Cub_Scout_Leader_Portal or http://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page