Time: 4:00pm
Place: Badger Ridge Middle School
Event: Crossover Banquet for Webelo II scouts to crossover to Boy Scouts.
All scouts and families are invited to attend. Please RSVP by Saturday, Feb 23, 2013 to your respective den leader for the number of attendees coming to the banquet.
Food: Pizza from AJ's
Ice Cream
Families with surname starting A-G -- salad or side dish
H-P -- fruit or vegetable dish
R-Z -- sweet or dessert
Note: Please provide peanut/tree nut free dishes to follow the school policies and to be mindful of food allergies. Thanks.
Each year we ask the rest of the pack to help provide a great send off to the Webelos II. Respective scouts and families please review the list below:
Tiger and Wolf Scouts - Sing a song
Bears - Flag Ceremony
Webelo I - Greeters
Parents of Webelo I- Food Servers