The camping season has
officially/ will soon begin! Camp information and a brief description are
attached. Email or call me with questions. Registration is now open for all
camps. On your mark (your calendars), Get set (check your camping gear) Go
2014 Cub Scout Spring and Summer Camps
We are pleased to offer six Spring and Summer camps to our Cub
Scouts this year. See the detailed information below on dates, times,
location, cost and when payment is due. If you have questions or want to
sign up for a camp, contact Pack 549 Camp Coordinator, Kari Westphal at
or call (608) 270-1683.
This year Pack 549 Leaders have decided to offer a subsidy of
$65 per Cub Scout for pack and council sponsored camping events between April
2014 and October 2014.
The goal of these monies are to offer each scout the opportunity
to participate in camping activities to enrich their scouting experience
through activities, games, campfire stories, skits, songs, food and friendship.
The family of the Cub Scout may use the $65 subsidy towards any
of the following camps listed below. Families may identify how they want
to use the subsidy towards multiple camps for their Cub Scout. For
example: $30 for Rokilio, $35 for Webelos Expedition for a total of $65.
Any unused subsidy monies that are not used by the scout will be returned
to the Pack 549 treasury after October 2014. Please speak to Kari Westphal
about how much your Cub Scout has in his camping subsidy account. Note: If a
family has 2 Cub Scouts, each boy is offered $65 subsidy per individual scout,
the account is not a family subsidy.
Pack 549 Sponsored Camp:
Rokilio—Viking Camp
Date: Friday, April 11 through Sunday, April 13
Cost: $30 for Cub Scout (any rank), $40 for adult
Date due: Payment and completed health forms due to Kari
Westphal by 7:00pm on Sunday, March 30th.
Information about the camp: Are you ready to spend the night in
a Viking Ship and live out the adventures of a Viking? Campers will
experience campfire cooking, songs, skits, games, activities, and challenges of
a Viking warrior. This camp offers indoor sleeping quarters at Camp Rokilio
in Kiel, Wisconsin.
Glacier’s Edge Council Sponsored Camps:
• All payments and completed health forms
for Council Sponsored camps are due to Kari Westphal by 7:00pm on Sunday, April
• Any late entries received after 7:00pm on
Sunday, April 6th will be the responsibility of the family of the scout.
Any late entries will incur a $10-25 late fee depending on the camp. The
family of the scout will be responsible for turning in all payments and
completed health forms directly to GlacierÂ’s Edge Council.
Webelos Expedition
Rank: required camper must be Webelos II in Fall 2014
Date: Saturday, May 3 through Sunday, May 4
Cost: $30 per scout
Due date: Payment and completed health forms due to Kari
Westphal by 7:00pm on Sunday, April 6th.
Information about the camp: The 4th Annual Webelos Expedition is
for boys who are registered fourth grade Webelos Scouts, their parents, Den and
Pack Leaders. This camp will feature opportunities to have fun, participate in
a meaningful ceremony and will provide a glimpse of what Boy Scouting has in
store. While sharing a campsite with another Den, Webelos will participate in
many outdoor activities to prepare for their Boy Scout career. This camp
is at Camp Indian Trails in Janesville, WI.
Regional Day Camp
Rank: recommended camper rank Wolf, Bear, and Webelos I
Date: Friday, June 13 & Saturday, June 14
Cost: $70 per scout
Due date: Payment and completed health forms due to Kari
Westphal by 7:00pm on Sunday, April 6th
Information about the camp: Day Camp consists of many program
include Sports, Scout Skills, Obstacle Courses, and many more. Each Den will
rotate through the stations over the course of a day and have the opportunity
to participate in a unique lunch time program over the course of their stay at
camp. The check-in process runs from 8:00 am to 8:30 am and the day wraps up
between 3:30 pm to 4:00pm. This camp is at Camp Carlson in Sauk City, WI.
Webelos Shooting Sports Camp
Rank: required rank Webelos I or Webelos II
Date: Sunday, June 15
Cost: $35 per scout
Due date: Payment and completed health forms due to Kari
Westphal by 7:00pm on Sunday, April 6th.
Information about the camp: Shooting Sports Camps are geared
towards boys who will be Webelos in the fall. Cub Scouts are only allowed to
earn their BB-Gun and Archery pins at a certified Cub Scout Camp with
nationally trained Range Staff and that is exactly what the Shooting Sports
Camp offers. Throughout the program, the boys attending this camp will move between
the two ranges as well as participant in a workbook session in order to ensure
the maximum amount of training and achievement. At the end of the day, boys
will be awarded the pin(s) they have earned. This camp is limited to the
first 48 scouts that sign up. Space is limited. The camp will run
from 8:00am until 2:30pm. This camp is at Camp Carlson in Sauk City, WI.
Cub Resident Camp
Rank: recommended camper rank Wolf, Bear and Webelos I
Date: Friday, July 26 through Sunday, July 28
Cost: $125 per scout, $50 per adult/leader
Due date: Payment and completed health forms due by 7:00pm on
Sunday, April 6th.
Information about the camp: Cub Scout Resident Camp is targeted
at Cub Scouts who are Wolf through Webelos rank along with their parents and/or
leaders. This fast-paced three day, two night camp offers a variety of
structured programs for all to enjoy. As an introduction to the Boy Scout
Program, Cub Scout Resident Camp revolves heavily around traditional Scout
skills. Check-in will run from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm on the first day and will
conclude with a flag ceremony on the third day at 5:00 pm.
Webelos Resident Camp
Rank: required rank Webelos I or Webelos II
Date: Saturday, August 9 through Tuesday, August 12
Cost: $135 per scout, $50 per adult/leader
Date due: Payment and completed health forms due to Kari
Westphal by 7:00pm on Sunday, April 6th.
Information about the camp: Webelos Resident Camp is open to
Webelos Scouts and their parents and leaders. This camp offers a more in depth
Boy Scout experience with a focus on preparing Webelos Scouts for their Boy
Scout career. With both structured and open program time, Scouts will have
freedom to choose which activities they want to participate in including
Activity Badges and other requirements, which they can register for upon
arrival at camp. Camp-wide games, campfire programs and pioneering are just a
couple things to look forward to at Webelos Resident Camp. This camp is at Camp
Indian Trails in Janesville, WI.
Questions? Contact Pack 549 Camp Coordinator, Kari Westphal at
or call 270-1683
Required is the 2014 BSA medical form. This
version of the health form is required by the council for any and all spring
and summer camps.Unless noted, attach a new health form for each participant to
every camp registration you submit.
Click below for forms.
Click below for forms.
A few reminders so
your health forms do not get denied by the council.
1. List the date(s) of immunizations on each line for
each participant.
2. A copy of the front and back of your health insurance
card needs to be attached to the health form in the section provided or write
in "none" if that applies.
3. At least one approved driver needs to be listed including
phone number.
4. The forms need to be signed and dated.
Scouts are not registered for camp until these items are received. Please comply with the registration due dates.