Place: Glaicer Edge School Cafeteria
Time: 9:00AM to 3:30PM
Cost: $10.00
What: Emergnecy Preparedness Pin Training by the American Red Cross - Wolf, Bear, Webelos I and II
Sign up by Wednesday, Jan 9, 2013
Preparedness Pin, Certificate, and Lunch for the Scout
The American Red
Cross issetting up a Basic Aid Training for the Wolf, Bear and Webelos Scouts
on January 12th from 9AM to 3:30PM. They will have the chance to learn first
aid and life saving skills as well as how to be better prepared for
emergencies. The cost is $10. That includes the Emergency Preparedness Pin,
Certificate and lunch for your scout. I need a minimum of 8 scouts to sign up.
I apologize about the short notice but the Red Cross is very busy at this time
of year. If you would like to sign up please let me know before Wednesday the