December 18 - Pack Meeting
- Activity= Sock Wars II - Bring a 6-pack of new clean tube socks. Pairs are balled up together to make a kid safe snowball. Cardboard is used to make forts/shields. The older scouts dens battle the older dens, younger scouts play with younger scouts.
- Toys for Tots! Bring a un-wrapped toy to donate to toys for tots. There are lots of families with a lot less than us who would love anything you can give. This is one of the many ways our pack gives back to the community, please do your best!
- Cookie decorating/eating (it's a craft and a snack!). We will be icing sugar cookies. If you have any food alergies please bring your own snack, and/or let us know
- Other business, Pinewood Cars will be handed out, Start thinking of summer camp!
- Day Camp at Brigham County Park for summer 2009 will be June 26, 27, 28 (Fri, Sat, Sun). The theme this year is Space Trek – To Boldly Go Where No Scout Has Gone Before.
Saturday Jan 24: Pinewood Derby Races. Starts with younger scouts around 9 am and races are held by den with top dens competing in the playoffs later in the day. Goes till 1-2pm for the finals.
Sat February 7 - Want some winter fun? The Polar Prowl will be Feb 7, 2009 at Blackhawk Lake near Cobb, WI from noon to 4:00pm. This event is through the Wisconsin River District.
Also on Feb 7, The Mohawk District is holding a winter "day camp" right here in Verona at the Badger Prarie Park. The verona one tends to be a smaller event, but still a lot of fun!
Saturday March 7: Snow tubing at Cascade paid for by the pack. This is our big self-reward for a incredible popcorn sale. Leave ~7am, on the snow by 9am. Pack will rent a bus, provide hot drinks and snacks.