Where: Curtis Ambulance, 6060 McKee Rd, Fitchburg (across from Star Cinema).
Parking: There is extremely limited parking available at the Curtis Ambulance building. Please park across the street at Star Cinema and cross McKee Rd. (Hwy PD) with care.
Download rules document in Adobe Acrobat format: Raingutter_Rules_2007.pdf
How it works (from 2007 plan)Scouts in each den race in head to head heats. The rankings are determined by who wins the most heats, with any ties being decided by run-off races. The double elimination bracket accommodates 32 racers. We have 11 dens. There are trophy prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each den. Tiger cubs who do not place in the top three in their den will receive a participation ribbon.
In general, the top three finishers in each den advance to the pack finals. If a den has three or fewer scouts in attendance at the race, the race organizers may decide to enter only the top two in the pack finals. If a den has six or more scouts in attendance at the race the race organizers may decide to enter the top four finishers in the pack finals.
Experience teaches that sometimes scouts who place 1 – 3 in their den leave before the pack finals, opening spaces in the bracket. What this means is that we won’t really know exactly who will be in the pack finals until we’re ready to start. It all depends on how many scouts show up on the day and how long they stay. All scouts who win a den trophy should stick around (or let the race coordinator know that they are coming back) for the beginning of the pack finals. Anyone who places forth out of six or more scouts in a den has a chance of being in the finals too.